Team > Dr. Benjamin Weineck
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Study of Religion
- Since October 2021 Employed full-time at the University of Heidelberg
- Since July 2019 Leader of the BMBF junior research group “Contemporary Islamic Cultures“
- July 2019 PhD in Islamic studies (supervision by Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann, PD Dr. Robert Langer, and Prof. em. Dr. Michael Ursinus)
- October 2017 – July 2019 Provisional leader of the BMBF junior research group “Contemporary Islamic Cultures”
- Since 2014 Research associate at the junior research group “Contemporary Islamic Cultures” at the University of Bayreuth
- 2013 – 2015 Research Associate at the Seminar for Languages and Cultures of the Middle East, University of Hamburg
- 2013 Magister-degree with a thesis on late Ottoman polemic against the Bektashi-Order
- Wintersemester 2010/2011 studies at the Dehkhoda Institute for Persian Studies
- 2009 – 2013 student of Islamic studies (focus on Ottomanistic studies) and political sciences in Heidelberg
- 2008 – 2009 Erasmus exchange at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara
- 2006 – 2008 student of political sciences, Islamic philology, and Islamic studies at the University of Mainz
- 1987 born in Hannover
- German Association for the Study of Religion (DVRW), working group Islam
- German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO)
- Society for Turkic, Ottoman, and Turkish Studies (GTOT)
- Islamicate Digital Humanities Network
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Study of Religion
Research Foci
- Alevis in history and contemporary times
- Islam, especially Shiite Islam in Germany and Turkey
- Ottoman and Turkish regional and religious history as well as minority politics
- Manuscripts from Alevi family archives (associated with research center in Heidelberg)
- Religion and politics
- Linking ethnographic, philological and cultural studies’ methods
Dissertation project
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Study of Religion
Weineck, Benjamin
Zwischen Verfolgung und Eingliederung : Kızılbaş-Aleviten im osmanischen Staat (16.-18. Ja ...
Baden-Baden : Ergon, 2020 . - (Kultur, Recht und Politik in muslimischen Gesellschaften; 42)
Alevism between Standardisation and Plurality : Negotiating Texts, Sources and Cultural He ...
publ: Weineck, Benjamin; Zimmermann, Johannes
Frankfurt a. M. : PL Publishers, 2018
Article in a journal (peer-reviewed)
Weineck, Benjamin
Schiiten, Aleviten und Ehlibeyt-Islam : Grenzziehung und Artikulation im Kontext schiitisc ...
in Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft vol. 27 (2019) issue 1. - pp. 125-145
doi:10.1515/zfr-2018-0026 ...
Weineck, Benjamin; Langer, Robert
Shiite Communities of Practice in Germany : Researching multi-local, Heterogeneous Actors ...
in Journal of Muslims in Europe vol. 6 (2017) issue 2. - pp. 216-240
doi:10.1163/22117954-12341351 ...
Weineck, Benjamin
Alevi Cultural Heritage in Germany and Turkey : Negotiating „Useable Pasts” in Transnation ...
in European Journal of Turkish Studies (2015) issue 20
Weineck, Benjamin
Governmentalities of Alevi Cultural Heritage : on Recognition, Surveillance and "Domestica ...
in Middle East - Topics & Arguments vol. 3 (2014) . - pp. 92-103
Article in a journal (not peer-reviewed)
Weineck, Benjamin; Langer, Robert; Zimmermann, Johannes
Forschung zum Alevitentum in Heidelberg = Heidelberg’de Alevilik Araştırmaları
in Alevilerin Sesi : Die Stimme der Aleviten in Europa vol. 186 (2014) . - pp. 24/25, 34/35
Article in a book (peer-reviewed)
Weineck, Benjamin
Limits of Sectarianism : Shi'ism and Ahl al-Bayt Islam among Turkish Migrant Communities i ...
In: Scharbrodt, Oliver ; Shanneik, Yafa (ed.): Shi'a Minorities in the Contemporary World : Migration, Transnationalism and Multilocality - Edinburgh: University Press, 2020. - pp. 209-226
Weineck, Benjamin
Fabricating the 'Great Mass' : 'Heresy' and Legitimate Plurality in Harputlu İshak Efendi’ ...
In: Erginbaş, Vefa (ed.): Ottoman Sunnism : New Perspectives - Edinburgh, 2019. - pp. 146-165 . - (Edinburgh Studies on the Ottoman Empire)
Article in a book (not peer-reviewed)
Weineck, Benjamin; Zimmermann, Johannes
Introduction : Sourcing Alevism between Standard, "Canon" and Plurality
In: Weineck, Benjamin ; Zimmermann, Johannes (ed.): Alevism between Standardisation and Plurality : Negotiating Texts, Sources and Cultural Heritage - Frankfurt a. M.: PL Publishers, 2018. - pp. 21-58
Weineck, Benjamin
Outside the Circle? : Approaching Alevi History beyond the ‘Köprülü Paradigm’
In: Weineck, Benjamin ; Zimmermann, Johannes (ed.): Alevism between Standardisation and Plurality : Negotiating Texts, Sources and Cultural Heritage - Frankfurt a. M.: PL Publishers, 2018. - pp. 251-275
Weineck, Benjamin
"Er ist ein notorischer Übeltäter!" : Lokalhistorische Perspektiven auf einen Kızılbaş-Vor ...
In: Zimmermann, Johannes ; Herzog, Christoph ; Motika, Raoul (ed.): Osmanische Welten : Quellen und Fallstudien. Festschrift für Michael Ursinus - Bamberg: University Press, 2016. - pp. 665-699 . - (Bamberger Orientstudien; 8)
Weineck, Benjamin
Kara, Cem: Grenzen überschreitende Derwische : Kulturbeziehungen des Bektaschi-Ordens 1826 ...
Diyâr : Zeitschrift für Osmanistik, Türkei- und Nahostforschung
Preprint, postprint, working paper, discussion paper
Weineck, Benjamin
Schreiben gegen die Ungläubigen : Spätosmanische Polemik gegen den Bektaşi-Orden
Bayreuth, 2013. - 132 pp.
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00004966 ...
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Study of Religion
Dr. Benjamin Weineck
Leader of the BMBF junior research group “Contemporary Islamic Cultures” (Prof. Bochinger, Prof. Schrode)
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4728 | Fax: +49 (0)921 / 55-844156
Study of Religion with Focus on Contemporary Islam
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Universität Bayreuth
95440 Bayreuth