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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Study of Religion

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New publication on specialised didactics & conceptual learning

The following anthology, edited by our colleagues Dr Stefan Schröder and Sophie Faulstich, has just been published by transcript Verlag:

„Conceptual Change“ in den „weichen“ Schulfächern. Didaktische Herausforderungen für den kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterricht

The digital version of the volume has been published in open access and is available here free of charge.

The anthology was produced as part of the project ‘Religion Literacy - Towards an empirically grounded constructivist didactics of religion’ (2021-2024), which is funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

It offers an interdisciplinary discussion space on the relevance and complexity of social and cultural science conceptual learning and brings together contributions from Study of Religion and Religion Education, philosophy, history, geography, politics and subject didactics. In addition to fundamental questions on conceptual change, empirical research findings and tried and tested teaching approaches are discussed.

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