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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Study of Religion

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Bildcollage zum Master Religion and Global Futures

New Master programme ‘Religion and Global Futures’

Apply now for this unique and innovative Master's degree programme. It will enable you to analyse emerging forms of religion from a global perspective and to understand how religion relates to global issues, including questions about our shared futures.  ...more

Two students in one lecture theatre

Current Courses

The courses for the winter semester 2024/2025 are online.  ...more

Study of Religion at the University of Bayreuth

The study of religion is an empirical discipline that takes a non-confessional perspective towards religious worldviews across continents. The discipline draws on history, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, linguistics and other methodologies to investigate religion, religiosity, and secularity in contemporary societies. In its methodological commitment to examine religious behavior and belief outside of any particular religious viewpoint the study of religion fundamentally differs from theology and other normative approaches to religion.

New Master's programme ‘Religion and Global Futures'
Are you interested in learning about contemporary religion from a global perspective? Are you looking for a programme that will help you to understand important issues concerning our shared futures? Our Master's programme in Religion and Global Futures equips you with the skills to engage with these matters in an international and supportive learning environment.

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