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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Study of Religion

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"Messy, Heterogeneous, and Distinct: Lived Religion in Latin America Today" - Guest Lecture of Prof. Gustavo Morello (Boston College)

Wednesday, 10th Mai 2023, 5 p.m. - Iwalewahaus

First Colloquium Latin America

We are pleased to invite you to the First Colloquium on Latin America at the University of Bayreuth, which will take place on Wednesdays from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. in the Iwalewahaus, Wölfelstraße 2.

The presentation explores the interaction of religion and modernity. The thesis proposed here is simple: There is an interaction between modernity and religion in Latin America, but the result has not been religion diminishment, but its transformation. The difficulty in assessing religiosity as it exists in Latin America is due in part to the continuing use of categories that were not designed for religious cultures outside the North Atlantic world. Those categories point us toward a different kind of dynamics, which in fact obscure Latin American religious dynamics. If we look at religion from Latin America and from the people who practice it, we will find a different definition and different conceptual tools for understanding the religious experience of Latin American people, and perhaps it helps us to look at religion in a different way. I developed these ideas in my recent book "Lived Religion in Latin America. An Enchanted Modernity" (OUP, 2021).

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